Monday, August 3, 2009

Good Check Up

First of all, sorry for the delay in this update. I really didn't think anyone was reading the updates until I received an email asking how Soleil was doing. We had a vet appointment on Thursday, July 30th. Soleil checked out just fine and her blood work was also fine, so she got an IV treatment of Vinblastine. Two doctors saw her today. Her regular doctor saw her, and also a new intern who has just joined NEVOG was also there today. We went home with the Cytoxcin pills which I will give her starting next Thursday.

I was asked to be chief course builder for one of the kennel clubs for an agility trial next month, so I will be entering Soleil in that trial. I get a free entry for working, so it won't cost me anything to run her at the trial. She will be happy to be doing agility again. I haven't been working her lately. Not because she can't do it, but because we have not had very good weather this summer, so our training has been very limited. She still LOVES to do agility! I find her and Mickey chasing each other through the tunnels when they are out playing.

Mickey's sisters Des and Demi will be coming for a visit this week. It will be fun to see the 3 littermates together again. Demi's owner competes in agility and also lives in New England, so Demi and Mickey have played together a lot over the past year. I haven't seen Des since she was just a couple months old, so I'm looking forward to seeing her again. There is a slight chance that one of his brothers will also be stopping by for a visit, but no definite plans there just yet.

The local newspaper, The Foxboro Reporter, ran an article on Soleil. If anyone wants to read it, here is the link:


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