Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Another NEVOG visit

We had an appointment at NEVOG (New England Veterinary Oncology Group) today. Soleil didn't see her regular Oncologist because he is away this week. She saw Dr. Philibert today. Her regular Oncologist is Dr. Romansik.

The doctor said her blood levels were just a little low, but said it was nothing to be worried about. I thought she was going to get chemo every other week, but I was wrong. She will still be getting chemo every week, she just doesn't have to go to NEVOG every week. She will have a week off every time she gets the Adriamycin. So she still remains on a 4 week rotation schedule. Week one is the Vinblastine intravenous (IV). Week two is the Cytoxcin (5 pills over a 5 day period). Week three is the Adriamycin (IV) followed by a week off. Last week was our week off, so we are back to week one in the rotation today. She got an intravenous (IV) injection of Vinblastine today. I was also sent home with a dose (5 pills) of Cytoxin. I will give her the Cytoxin next week.

I mowed the back yard when I got back and Mickey was there helping me the whole time. After mowing, I was throwing the ball for Mickey and Soleil decided to chase the ball and steal it from him. She beat him to the ball a few times. She is able to catch it in mid-air whereas Mickey is not that coordinated yet and usually runs past it before he gets control of his rear legs. So it looks like she is feeling just fine after her treatment because she wouldn't have been out there chasing the ball and stealing it from Mickey if she were not feeling well.

So the good news is we do not have to go back to NEVOG next week. The bad news is she still gets chemo next week. After our last visit, I thought she was on an every other week schedule. I guess she is for actual visits, but she still has to get the chemo at home next week. Oh well. Dr. Philibert said she will still get the chemo every week with the one week off after the Adria, and it continues like that for the 18 weeks. I think he said this was week 10, so we are now over half way through. YEAH!!!

She still remains in remission. I hope the remission lasts for a very, very long time!

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